Detailed program > Sessions-Friday

Higher education (9 - 11h)

Consultation of Pedagogical Resources and Success in Distance Education.
Mehdi Khaneboubi

Digital and non-digital tools for adult education in French companies.
Mathilde Beauvin, Kenza Bouzoubaa, Sophie Brassart, Sophie Chavet, Eden Corteville, Sylvie Dias, Charlotte Hiron, René Kerdranvat, Lidia Martínez, Camélia Moussouni, Farah Nejjari, Oumy Faye Ngom, Gaëlle Octru

Have the study habits of students changed with the change in learning materials? The use of learning resources by university students in the last ten years.
Zuzana Sikorová, Michaela Vogt, Iva Červenková, Marlene Pieper

Knock Knock, Who's There? Teacher Identity in the Design of Learning Material on Academic Writing for Higher Education Students in the Era of Artificial Intelligence.
Merete Morken Andersen

Interculturalities in tension through French language pedagogical resources development in Uzbek universities.
Catherine Ayme


Textbooks, mulimodality and hybridation (9 - 11h)

Textual coherence and fragmentation in teaching and learning material systems for Norwegian as a school subject (L1).
Ommund C. Vareberg

Learning potential of multimodal and hypertextual components in history content of current e-textbooks for Czech primary and lower secondary schools.
Karolína Dundálková, Jana Stará

Subject-specific Use of Multimodality in Learning Materials.
Dorthe Carlsen, Stig Toke Gissel, Marianne Oksbjerg, Christian Mosbæk Johannessen

Numberjacks versus Numberblocks: a comparison between two educational media for 4-5 year old.
Sophie Gobert

The digitalisation of materials in compulsory secondary education in Spain. initial research results.
Ana Rodríguez Guimeráns, Diana Marín Suelves, Jesús Rodríguez Rodríguez, María Luisa Sanabria Mesa


Maths (9 - 11h)

 Representation forms of euclidean geometry questions in South African mathematics textbooks.
Tinevimbo Zhou

Contextual features of euclidean geometry questions in South African mathematics textbooks.
Tinevimbo Zhou, Tinevimbo Zhou, Ugorji Ogbonnaya

Opportunity to learn mathematics in textbooks: a systematic literature review.
Tinevimbo Zhou, Ugorji Ogbonnaya, Tinevimbo Zhou

The levels of relatedness between textbook expository and exercise tasks bearing tenets of reasoning-and-proving in euclidian geometry..
Edwin Matsepe, Ugorji Ogbonnaya

Understanding secondary mathematics teachers' use of curricular materials and resources for planning and instruction in Greece.
Michail Lousis

Exploring question types and features of mathematics textbooks in vocational senior high school.
Yi-An Cho, Sheng-Yuan Wang


Teachers (9 - 11h)

Learning materials and learning resources in the classroom: Developing learning resources for teacher students and educators.
Anne-Beathe Mortensen-Buan, Kari Hernæs Nordberg, Merethe Roos

Factors influencing Estonian teachers' opportunities and decisions in the selection of learning material.
Heily Leola, Merle Taimalu, Krista Uibu, Aino Ugaste

Digital learning resources, AI and critical thinking in L1.
Caroline Graeske

Teaching without prescribed curricula and without textbooks: a way of expressing a pedagogical expertise?
Florence Michaux-Colin

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