Detailed program > Critical thinking

Critical thinking and educational resources (10h30-12h30)

Navigating the Intersection - The Integration of Technical Proficiency and Audiovisual Media Literacy in Critical Teacher Education.
Erika Kraychete Alves

How Is Critical Thinking Conceptualized in Online Resources? The Case of the French YouTube Channel “Hygiène Mentale”.
Charlotte Barbier

Promoting Critical Thinking in Tertiary Education Students through Teaching and Learning Resources with a Focus on Textual Materials in the Bachelor of Education.
Jarmila Kojdecká, Zuzana Sikorová, Iva Červenková

Environment and humanity in Spanish textbooks from the 1980s and 1990s of the 20th century.
Kira Mahamud-Angulo, Yovana Hernández-Laina

Re-Conceptualizing the Political Agency of Young Children in the Anthropocene
Kirsi Yliniva

Critical thinking and inequalities (13.30 – 15.10)

Controversial issues and gender inequalities in financial education: A critical look at curriculum and teaching materials
Kevin Péloquin, Marc-André Éthier, David Lefrançois, Catherine Malboeuf-Hurtubise, Amélie Cambron-Prémont

Diversity in Norwegian Curriculum and Textbooks. Does the Curriculum for the 10-year Compulsory School Reflect Societal Change in Their Representations of Diversity?
Iben Brinch, Anne-Beathe Mortensen-Buan, Siri Nergaard

Knowledge and power in the production of textbooks: the conflict between authorial and official voices.
Lucimara Fabricio, Alisson Martins

Stereotypes of the “female” in XIX and XX century textbooks for Italian schools
Alessandra Anichini, Pamela Giorgi, Irene Zoppi


Critical thinking and multiple perspectives (15h30 – 17h30)

 Learning about economic crises: a challenge for the development of competences in lower and upper secondary education in Europe. A comparative study of curricula, textbooks and digital educational media.
Steffen Sammler

Multiperspectivity in (post)colonial textbook narratives: a comparison of Indonesian and Dutch history textbooks
Dietha Koster, Karel Van Nieuwenhuyse, Denise Bentrovato, Achmad Sunjayadi

Leveraging Profession-Based Fiction to Foster Critical Thinking on Professional Ethics Questions: Task Design and Student Productions.
Lily Schofield

“Epoch booklets” as open or closed - a study of two Norwegian textbooks from the 1940s.
Anne Helene Høyland Mork

Shifting Spatial Representations. A Comparative Study of Maps in Lower-Secondary Geography Textbooks in Post-Socialist and Post-Soviet Countries
Peter Bagoly-Simo, Erika Homoki, Anett Kádár


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